Entries by analaura


Positioning from the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples’ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity 25 April 2024   The priorities of the European Union’s (EU) external action are set: increase public funds for war and reactivate the military industry, continue building “fortress Europe” through the externalisation of borders, and push for new trade and […]

National Plans and the beginning of the Human Rights and Business agenda in Brazil

Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa – Center for Human Rights and Business Author: Ana Laura Figueiredo   Continuing the retrospective series on the 10 years of Homa’s activities, in which we will highlight the centre’s main achievements and involvement in the Global and National Agendas, in this post we will highlight the beginning […]

The centrality of the victim’s suffering, full reparation and cases of dam failure

Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa – Center for Human Rights and Business Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo   Continuing the retrospective series of the 10 years of Homa’s work, in which we will highlight the main achievements and involvement in the Global and National Agendas, in this post we will highlight the critical […]

Homa first steps and our work

Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa – Centre for Human Rights and Business Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo   In this series we will make a retrospective of the 10 years of Homa’s activities, highlighting our main accomplishments and involvement in the Global and National agendas regarding Human Rights and Business. Following chronological order, […]

Silvio Almeida, new Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship of Brazil, announces the creation of a Special Advisory on Business and Human Rights

Picture: José Cruz/Agência Brasil On January 3, Silvio Almeida took office at the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship.  Professor and lawyer, the new Minister holds a PhD in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from the University of São Paulo and chaired the Luiz Gama Institute. In an emotional inauguration speech, Silvio Almeida cited […]

German Due Diligence Law

Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business Agenda Text by: Ana Laura Figueiredo In this new blog series we will address the due diligence institute, incorporated by the UN Guiding Principles, and some regulations, approved or under discussion, which have become a reference for the study of the subject and seek […]

European Union Directive

Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business Agenda  Text by: Ana Laura Figueiredo   In this new blog series, we are going to address the due diligence instrument, incorporated by the UN Guiding Principles, and some norms, approved or under discussion, that have become a reference for the study of the […]

France’s Duty of Vigilance Law

Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business Agenda Author: Ana Laura Figueiredo   In this new blog series, we will address the due diligence concept, incorporated by the UN Guiding Principles, and some regulations, approved or under discussion, which have become  references for the study of the subject and seek to […]

The CNDH’s Resolution 05/2020 as a democratic instrument for the elaboration of public policies in Brazil

Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo Continuing the series on the National Agenda, in this post we will address civil society’s response to Decree No. 9,571/18, consolidated by Resolution No. 05/2020 of the Brazilian National Human Rights Council (CNDH). The resolution was published on March 12, of 2020, and went on to establish National Guidelines for […]

Current Brazilian framework of public policies on Human Rights and Business: Decree No. 9571/18

Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo Following up on the series on the National Agenda, in this post we will address the publication of Decree nº 9,571, which occurred on November 21, 2018, its main points and how it was received by civil society. Context of publication Decree No. 9,571/18 establishes National Guidelines on Business and […]