Developments of the Human Rights and Business agenda in Brazil
Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa - Center for Human Rights…

National Plans and the beginning of the Human Rights and Business agenda in Brazil
Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa - Center for Human Rights…

The centrality of the victim's suffering, full reparation and cases of dam failure
Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa - Center for Human Rights…

Homa first steps and our work
Retrospective of the 10 years of Homa - Centre for Human Rights…

German Due Diligence Law
Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business…

Other normative instruments of Due Diligence
Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business…

European Union Directive
Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business…

France’s Duty of Vigilance Law
Due diligence: a normative reality in the Human Rights and Business…

Origin and changes in implementation of Due Diligence
Due Diligence: a normative reality in the Agenda of Human Rights…

The process of elaborating a Brazilian National Action Plan
Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo
Continuing our series…

The CNDH's Resolution 05/2020 as a democratic instrument for the elaboration of public policies in Brazil
Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo
Continuing the series on the…

Current Brazilian framework of public policies on Human Rights and Business: Decree No. 9571/18
Written by: Ana Laura Figueiredo
Following up on the series…

Civil Society's performance in the process of negotiation of the Treaty on Business and Human Rights
Civil Society's performance in the process of negotiation of…

The Actions of the States. What do they stand up for?
The Actions of the States. What do they stand up for?
By Janyne…

Salvador Allende's speech: The UN Global Agenda
Do you know who was Salvador Allende? The Chilean socialist president…

How are International Treaties created?
International treaties are one of the sources of the International…

What is the Contemporary International Law?
International Law is a set of fundamentals and norms elaborated…

What are the sources of International Law?
International law goes through the boundaries of States, creating…