Chamada para a Nova Revista da Cambridge University Press

cambridge_university_pressÀ pedido do Prof. Surya Deva, professor da Universidade de Hong Kong e nosso convidado para o II Seminário Internacional sobre Direitos Humanos e Empresas, em abril de 2015, divulgamos a chamada para a nova Revista da Cambridge University Press: Business and Human Rights Journal (BHRJ).  Informações sobre as regras para envio de artigos encontram-se disponíveis no seguinte endereço:


Veja a mensagem do site da revista abaixo:

“NEW IN 2016 – The Business and Human Rights Journal (BHRJ) provides an authoritative platform for scholarly debate on all issues concerning the intersection of business and human rights in an open, critical and interdisciplinary manner. It seeks to advance the academic discussion on business and human rights as well as promote concern for human rights in business practice.

BHRJ strives for the broadest possible scope, authorship and readership. Its scope encompasses interface of any type of business enterprise with human rights, environmental rights, labour rights and the collective rights of vulnerable groups. The Editors welcome theoretical, empirical and policy / reform-oriented perspectives and encourage submissions from academics and practitioners in all global regions and all relevant disciplines.

A dialogue beyond academia is fostered as peer-reviewed articles are published alongside shorter ‘Developments in the Field’ items that include policy, legal and regulatory developments, as well as case studies and insight pieces.

For more information about BHRJ or to submit a paper email”


Surya Deva, City University of Hong Kong 

Anita Ramasastry, University of Washington 

Michael Santoro, Rutgers Business School 

Florian Wettstein, University of St Gallen

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