Homa, in view of its strategic analysis on the need for strengthening and assisting the affected people in the struggle against Human Rights violations by companies, acts to maximize the protection of the rights of these populations. To this end, the Centre seeks to advocate with Civil Society on several lines of work.
Throughout its 9 years of existence and performance in the theme of Human Rights and Business, encompassing activities in Brazil, Latin America and at the UN, Homa has accumulated extensive knowledge in the field, meeting demands from various Brazilian and international Civil Society organizations.
Currently, we act in all the activities listed below. If you have any of these demands, please contact us at projeto.homa@ufjf.edu.br
Researche and elaboration of academic works and study materials
– Reports;
– Scientific papers;
– Case Studies
– Comparative Law Study
– Different researches on Human Rights violations by companies or policies in the field.
Training of Civil Society actors, Government, and Private Sector on Human Rights and Business
– Short and long Courses
– Thematic workshops;
– Presentation on events.
Consulting services on Human Rights and Business for Civil Society and Government
– Analysis and elaboration of drafts of normative regulations;
– Analysis of bills;
– Co-production and analysis of public policies;
– Monitoring and acting as consultant in lawsuits involving Human Rights violations by Companies;
– Consulting services in many activities.
Some of the demands already fulfilled by the Centre:
I – Elaboration of the document “A necessidade e viabilidade de um marco geral em Direitos Humanos e Empresas no Brasil” for FES – Brasil and Friends of the Earth Brazil (2020);
II – Elaboration of the document “Comments on Bill 2.788/2019 on the National Policy on the Rights Of Populations Affected By Dams” for the Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB (2020);
III – Elaboration of several analysis reports of the drafts and of the process of the Treaty on Business and Human Rights at the UN for the the Global Campaign (since 2014);
IV – Elaboration of the draft of the Resolution No. 5, of March 12, 2020, of the Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos, CNDH, which provides for Brazilian Guidelines for a Public Policy on Human Rights and Business (2019);
V – Elaboration of the report: “The Case of the Complexo Portuário Do Açu-RJ” (2017);
I – Offered course on legal aspects of the Treaty on Human Rights and Business for Friends of the Earth International (2021);
II – Offered hundreds of lectures around the world on the topic, including at the UN Human Rights Council, Mercosur and Uruguayan Parliament and São Paulo Lawyers Association – AASP (since 2012);
III – Offered workshops on Human Rights and Mining activities at UFJF-MG in partnership with Rede de Pesquisa Rio Doce (2017);
Consulting services
I – Guidance for the Global Campaign on the negotiation of the Treaty on Business and Human Rights at the UN (since 2014);
II – Guidance for the Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos, CNDH, on the theme of Human Rights and Business (2019);